BB ki Vines representing INDIA for this year YouTube Rewind. (Full Review)

          BB (bhuvanBam) is undoubtedly one of the biggest YouTuber of India from past years. He finally featured in YouTube Rewind for 2017. He and mostly everyone in the video looks super silly, maybe because the video is always mean to be like that. It’s like a part of all the semi-famous people. But to be honest BB killed it. The director was like “Beta you have 2 seconds to represent India, what would you do?” and BB come up with the 90s “kajarare step”. It was funny because I know that there is no way he was asked to do that, and the worst part is that he was doing “kajarare step” on “despacito song”. I mean out of all the fucking steps you come up with this? Oh! Dear kill me right now. It was really cringing.

          Anyways Pewdiepie is also out this time. The most subscribed channel in YouTube, the biggest YouTuber of all time is out? What’s wrong with you my boy? I mean most of the people only know YouTube after Pewdiepie. Out of 1300 million YouTube users, Pewdiepie got 54 million. It means 4.15385% of people on YouTube watches Pewdiepie. So if we calculate the time of video with respect to the importance of the Pewdiepie then we come with the time he must have on that video, which is gives 0.15 sec. Oh! OK, I think he was on the video but we didn’t see him because he only got this much time. Just kidding! But he seems to enjoy this and also had a new video coming up for us. He said that he never got asked for this year and that’s why he is not there. Perfect answer right! He also says that he liked being part of Rewind but in the other hand he nearly hates the concept of this video. Well thank god he said no because we never want that guy splashing colors on people and dancing on “shape of you”.

          This video includes almost 2K channels which have over 1M subscribers or more. And the highlights are,
Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee – Despacito
Ed Sheeran –  Shape Of You
Fidget spinners
Joe Sugg, YouTuber Zoella‘s brother
Jake and Logan Paul, American YouTubers
American comedian and TV host Stephen Colbert

Fuck Fact: Matthais heavily said no to the rewind offer and also put that on one of his vlogs. He also talks about the problem he faces because of the YouTube. 
