Insidious The Last Key review: Horror film with no keys to the heart.

          A horror film wind up to be scary when the audience laughs at pivotal moments instead of gasping in unison and such is the case with the latest installment of Insidious. Insidious: The Last Key, directed by AdamRobitel, is the stuff you watch on a sleepover with friends (only girl’s tho) where you just want to make fun of the so-called horror moments. It kinda hit me when I watched it without any single glimpse of scariness on my pretty little face.    

          The film begins in the 1950s when a young Elise is treated brutally by her father and locked up in the basement of an old house. The jump scares of shadows looming in the background, the uncanny voices of a little child build up some tension but the film soon shifts to 2010. Now, Elise (LinShaye) is an old woman who works as a ghost hunter with two men, Specs (LeighWhannell) and Tucker (Angus Sampson) from the last installments, who are mainly present to provide some laughs and are vessels for some ex-positional dialogue. You gotta have those douchebags no matter what, because horror movies gotta have some characters for early kills. So disappointed, because neither they got killed nor they create that comedy vibes. Anyways, the movie started getting worst the moment Elise gets a call from the man who now resides in the house she grew up in and decides to investigate. The old house brings up terrible memories and Elise is determined to look for the “red door” and that ugly looking semi-lady ghost. To be honest, that character sucks big time because they didn’t even gave her any solid super natural thing at all. She was such a disappointed as a ghost. Next time! Write something for ghost or just at least write something at all. Actually, I kinda like that way story gives you this Hobbit vibes. I would not say that it was really good writing but I seriously thinks that this one is better than most, never really had this unique concept of ghost before.     

          Insidious: The Last Key goes from being a horror with some comic moments to showing a crazy man’s obsessive behavior with locking up women. At that point, the interest drops significantly as the cat-and-mouse game between Specs and the said crazy man do not hold your attention. There’s a whistle that belonged to her mother and is way too important for the ghosts of that house and we want to believe that it has some extraordinary magical powers but as I mentioned, it’s just a fucking whistle, specially used for calling people inside the god damn range. Honestly, I have almost guessed the plot of the story, other than the timeline and the back stories. I knew that there will be some stupid object with some importance (actually I have guessed the keys would be the one but anyways).
Insidious: The Last Key takes another leap much later into the run-time when the audience is told that one of Elise’s nieces can also feel the spirit’s presence. A particularly hilarious scene has Specs and Tucker trying to hypnotise the niece, and the way they do it makes you question if the makers put any thought into it. The ghost in the basement maintains a prison for all the human spirits he has captured but unsurprisingly loses all control once the whistle is blown. Just like every third class written story, there was a series of inadequate thoughts.

          The film tries too hard to give an other-worldly climax by transporting to " the further” but all it does is bring up more questions about the plot. With way too many loopholes in the story and some forced comic subplots, Insidious: The Last Key, disappoints enormously. The baby writing, the lazy scares, the ineffective background score and the ghosts you can always see coming make the film seem excruciatingly long even with its 100-minute run-time. The franchise has surely run its course but looking at the last scene of this installment, we are now scared that the makers might be planning a sequel, at least, they have kept room for it. You know what if you ever make anything like this again just call me and whistle and I will kill myself, BTW you guys own me 200 bucks!  

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